ATTENTION, PROPRIÉTÉ PRIVÉE! Mansonville, MRC : Memphrémagog, Estrie J'ai (George Levtchouk, recu cette courriel dimanche. At 2 h 50 pm today (about ten minutes ago) I saw a CONNECTICUT WARBLER, in what appeared to be spring plumage, walking among low small bushes, sometimes only a few inches off the ground, next to a lawn. I had an unobstructed view through my 9 x 42 Swarovski binoculars, at a distance of about 25 feet, for about five minutes. I was looking down on the bird from a window. Description: a rather large warbler, with a well-marked all-grey head, nape and chest, and a prominent complete white eye-ring, yellow belly, and greyish-green back. It had a long tail. Weather: light drizzle. Numbers of small birds (Dark-eyed Juncos, White-throated, Song and Chipping Sparrows, together with resident BCChickadees), were in the general area. I have seen Connecticuts before, at La Sarre, with Peter Mitchell. What a nice surprise, this late in the year. FYI, Mansonville (aka Potton) is in the Eastern Townships, a mile or so west of Lake Mempremagog, and not far from the US border.
Robert Carswell