Rapides Deschênes à Gatineau (Outaouais) Une Mouette pygmée observée à 19 h aux rapides de Deschênes. Commentaires: "Small lariid, about the same wing span as Black Tern (direct comparison), much smaller than Ring-billed Gull. Rather short winged, with rounded wing tips, with a bouyant flight. Distinct black "w" pattern to the upper surface of the wings and mantle: primaries largely blackish with a large black carpal bar, the nape and upper mantle was blackish, forming a distinct "saddle", separated from the blackish lower back by a distinct grey triangle. The crown was smudged blackish. The tail was white, slightly notched, with a blackish terminal band on the upper surface. rest of the plumage was white. Bill petite, but and appeared dark. The bird was present throughout the 1h observation period, flying circuits up and down the river, more or less on the ON/QC border. 45°22'49.1"N 75°48'15.4"W
Mark Gawn